Between user ("you") and PrestoDreamHome International (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and/or related companies and subsidiaries of PrestoDreamHome International (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (PrestoDreamHome"), subscriber ("Sub") including but not limited to MyProperty Data Sdn Bhd, and credit rating agency ("CRA"), a registered credit reporting agency under the Credit Reporting Agencies Act ("CRAA") ("three corporations"):-
Pursuant to the CRAA and Central Bank of Malaysia Act, you give consent to the three corporations to process your personal data for the purpose of generating a report ("service"). The report gives you an estimate amount of mortgage you may qualify for ("Eligible Mortgage Amount") and debt service ratio ("DSR") based on the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by you ("Home Loan Pre-Approval Report"). For the avoidance of doubt, this Home Loan Pre-Approval Report is (i) for illustrative and general information purposes only and is not intended to provide specific financial or other advice; and (ii) NOT the same as a mortgage approval or pre-approval.
You agree and consent that PrestoDreamHome, Sub and CRA may conduct credit, Central Credit Reference Information System ("CCRIS") and Dishonoured Cheques ("DCHEQS") checks from Bank Negara on you.
Between you and PrestoDreamHome:-
Notwithstanding any terms referred to herein, you will be bound by the terms in Terms of Service (found here) and Privacy Policy (found here) that PrestoDreamHome is committed to.
You will need to login to your PrestoDreamHome account to use this service.
You agree and consent that PrestoDreamHome will be collecting and retaining the information from your Home Loan Pre-Approval Report for the purposes as set out in Section 2 of the Privacy Policy.
Between you, CRA and Sub:
You consent to Sub using your personal information solely for the following:-
disclosure to CRA to process, verify and obtain your credit information (including CCRIS and DCHEQS from Bank Negara Malaysia) to facilitate in generating your Home Loan Pre-Approval Report. You acknowledge that CRA in generating the Home Loan Pre-Approval Report may use your personal data that is contained in their database; and
process and make recommendations to improve your credit health as well as services provided by PrestoDreamHome.
CRA and Sub shall not at any time, directly or indirectly, contact you in relation to the generation of the Home Loan Pre-Approval Report or for any reason whatsoever.
Upon generating the Home Loan Pre-Approval Report to you and PrestoDreamHome, Sub and CRA shall not:-
process or retain any of the personal data obtained through PrestoDreamHome; and
retain the Home Loan Pre-Approval Report, for any reason whatsoever unless allowed under any law